Thank you mom and dad and Barb and Steve for the crib, the Sweetpeace, the outfits, the books, and the talks. Mom and Barb, it was so nice of you to go to all of the showers, go shopping with Jenny and provide us with invaluable motherly advice. Dad, thanks for your help with the windows, doors, shelves, your time and your handy man skills. I really feel like the house is in order and we're ready for that baby to arrive. Steve, thank you for your truck, your muscles, and your patience. After 3 or 4 hours and plenty of swear words we finally got that frickin' crib put together and looking good. If not for you I'd still be cursing up a storm and the crib would still be in pieces on the bedroom floor.
Thank you to all of our friends and relatives who hosted or attended Jenny's showers. She came home from each and every one with a car packed to the gills and a huge smile on her face. She couldn't have had any more fun and you couldn't have been any more generous. I can't wait to introduce you to the baby while wearing the clothes you got him or playing with the toys you gave her or while asking you to change the dirty diaper that you bought the little one. In case I haven't told you, if you gave the baby Pampers we wrote your initials and telephone number on each individual diaper so we know who to phone when baby needs changing. Yep, it's official, our friends and family rock!
Lastly, thanks to my wonderful wife for all that you've had to go through. I know that you've really enjoyed being pregnant and it's been a lot easier on you than a lot of women who have had babies, but at the same time there have been plenty of lifestyle and body changes that you've had to accept. Thank you for eating healthy food, giving up vino, getting up ten times per night to go potty, getting the house ready, going baby shopping, putting up with the bloody noses, and countless other things that have made me say to myself, "it sure is nice being the guy!" Thank you for all of it. I love you!
Now hurry it up baby! All of us have done our part and we're starting to get impatient. We're ready when you are!
And a great big thanks to you also for all of your support along the way, my dear husband. I love you!
Everyone has been so good to us and from the bottom of our hearts, let me reiterate Jeff's thoughts and thank you all again.
You two are so much fun to watch together! You deserve all the wonderful things life can bring you. Can't wait another week for that cute little thing to arrive. All my love, Mom
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