Friday, February 27, 2009

As the end draws near

Even though I am definitely ready and unbelievably excited to meet our family's new addition, I'm also feeling somewhat sad as the prospect of my pregnancy coming to its conclusion becomes more of a reality.

I know some women are very sensitive to this issue, but I never minded having my belly touched, no matter who was doing it. After all, my stomach may be far from flat, but it sure is rock hard and if there was ever a time to feel good about having paws all over it, that time is now in my opinion! Lord knows once this kiddo pops out, it's safe to say the solid "abs" as I knew them when he or she was inside will be a thing of the past. For fear of hands disappearing in my very own Bermuda Triangle, I think I'll have to say that the belly rubs will be off limits for a while. I believe you all will thank me for that. Back to my point though---I found it quite sweet actually, even encouraged it, when people wanted to touch my stomach or try and feel a kick (I probably even startled several of you by my lack of modesty as I'd whip my bare belly out!). The bundle didn't always oblige, and enjoyed playing the game of kicking me and then stopping the second I told someone to feel, but there was something so pure in the joy I could see in people's eyes as they tried to catch a sign of movement for themselves. It was even better to watch them when it happened. I'll miss that.

People, total strangers even, are so kind and curious. The smiles, the happiness on their faces when they inquire about the details of my pregnancy and the child on the way is priceless. The congratulations, the best of luck wishes, the hopes for a quick labor and healthy baby have turned me to mush. The men, the big and burly men who serve me way too much Chipotle and bagels, whose emotions pour out as they talk to me, question me and reflect on how parenthood has affected them, I tell you, they get me every time. I've left many a conversation this last month where I've turned away from people crying without control as our chat ends because of how much I will miss this experience and yes, the attention too. I am proud of my efforts and thinking about not having this to talk about when it's been such a big part of my life for so long leaves a void I can already feel. I will thoroughly miss so much of this.

These last weeks have been rougher and of course less comfortable, but I have had a fantastic time being pregnant. The experience of carrying our baby has been sensational. Even though I've tried very hard to capture so many facets of my journey in writing via this blog (and verbally to all those around me), so much of it is altogether indescribable. I will be forever thankful for the answering of my prayers for the ability to become pregnant, stay pregnant and give birth to a child in my lifetime, all with the most loving husband by my side at every step. I pray the miracles continue and that our baby comes into this world healthy and happy. I would be overjoyed if you could all keep us in your thoughts and help to wish that for us as well.

I would guess it's obvious by my writing a post almost every day now (and two today) how much I will miss this blog also. Bundle in the Oven doesn't really work when the bundle's out and done cooking! The response to my blog has been overwhelming to me and it warms my heart when so many of you comment on it to me, on the blog, in an email or in person. People I didn't even know read it will say things to me about it sometimes and it makes me want to keep on writing even more! I love that. It's been a blessing for me to document my experiences, occurrences, stages, phases, incidents and predicaments as a first-time bundlewarmer and having you all as my audience has made what started as just a way for me to remember it so much more than that. Thanks to each of you for providing me with this enriched adventure. I haven't decided if I'll start a new blog for our family (Jeff jokes that it'll be time for me to concentrate on "family time" and not blogging when this one is done!), but it's not out of the question.

Until the Bundle in the Oven blog concludes, I hope you all enjoy my last entries; I know I have enjoyed writing every single post. Sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart for reading and for sharing these moments with me. I hope I've done a good job of keeping you all interested and informed and I hope I do an even better job of being a mom for my great inspiration, our precious baby who Jeff and I love so much already.


Swarty Family said...

Will you start another blog?

Swarty Family said...

BTW, I liked rubbing your belly and I will continue to do so!