This past weekend, the last day of January, marked the conclusion of my baby showers. It’s a true testament to my shower hosts why I feel like I was just let off the best roller coaster ride, yearning to jump the ropes to get back in the front of the line for another ride, or three. It’s an overused phrase, but I cannot thank everyone enough. Truly. From all of the work done in preparing to make my events so completely and utterly special to the generosity of each person that helped me to celebrate, Jeff and I are overwhelmed with gratitude. Because of the amazing people in my life, we are blessed to walk in our door to a home filled with more than we could have imagined to help us provide for our baby. The bundle is surrounded by so much love, as are we. We could not have done this without all of your support (as I tear up again just writing about it because of how moved I am) and we are and will be forever thankful. It was a blast playing show and tell with Jeff after each shower. He could not believe all we received and was touched and so appreciative of everyone’s kindness. It was a cherished time for the two of us as we reveled in the happiness of our lives, of our marriage, of soon becoming parents together.
Friend Shower
Date: Saturday, January 10th
Time: 5:00pm
Given by: Kristin, Leah, Missy and Missy
Theme: Cocktail/mocktail party
My shower hosts were four friends who have been in my life for 20-27 years and it’s safe to say I’d be lost without them. I’m thankful every day that they are a part of my life. They’ve known me through the good and happy times, the bad and sad times---and still they keep me in their friend pool without a second guess. Well, maybe they’ve second guessed it a time or two, but I'd like to say they haven't. :) Wow, did they put on a party to remember. It was not at all what one would expect when coming to a baby shower and that uniqueness of it was completely fabulous. Walking in the door to Kristin’s house was such an unbelievable sight. It was the kind of party where you could walk around the home’s perimeter several times and still feel like there were details you missed...so you’d walk it again and again, as I did! The night was simply awesome and all the effort they put into it could not and did not go unnoticed.
Memorables: cocktail tables, flower arrangements, endless decorations in red, black and white geared to match the shower invitation, photos from when Jeff and I were young and from my blog hanging everywhere and adorning all the walls, hors d'oeuvres galore (which is an understatement since there was enough to feed at least five times the amount of people!), pink and blue martinis complete with sugar rimmed glasses in the matching colors, faux champagne, coffee bar, an enormous cake (which was actually made of cupcakes...and the leftovers kept the babe happy for days after the party ended), travel-sized vodka favors for each guest to take home, a surprise gift from my husband, far too many presents (thank you, thank you, thank you), etc., etc., etc.
Games: blog trivia (a game to see how well people knew details of my life throughout pregnancy via what I’ve written on my blog), itty bitty baby parts: an ultasound game (cards of ultrasound photos with body parts hightlighted requiring us to guess which parts they were---it was tough!)
(Unfortunately Missy UL was sick and down for the count on the day of, so she's not pictured here.)
During this shower I received a very special gift from my husband, my "secret admirer". The girls made sure I kicked off my gift opening with one in particular and my suspicions were heightened. As I opened the card I was reminded once again of just how fortunate I am to be married to the man who was so worth the wait to fall in love with. It was a card thanking me for having our baby and a gift card to the Oceanaire Seafood Room since it's where we love to go for one of our favorite dishes...black and blue marlin. There are only a few types of seafood I like, so when I say that the way the Oceanaire does blue marlin is better than pasta or enchiladas, well sadly for them, that's a huge compliment coming from me. :) I haven't been able to have it during my pregnancy, so it's a mouth watering treat for us to look forward to together. Throw in a dirty martini and I'll be putty in the hubby's hands. Hmmm, seems this deal works out well for both of us! It was the sweetest (and I must add, it scored a ton of points with the ladies). Oh how I love my Jeff who is the reason I even get to write this post, or my blog altogether. Lucky, lucky, lucky.
Neighbor Shower
Date: Saturday, January 17th
Time: 10:30am
Given by: Denise and Mary (with honorable mention to their daughters, Kayla, Sierra and Katie)
Theme: All things baby brunch
My shower hosts have been a part of my life for over two years now since Jeff and I moved into our neighborhood in November of 2006. It’s been a bunch of great times with them and their families ever since. We’ve become very close over these couple of years and it’s tough to imagine how we got along without them. They put in so many extra touches to make the day of my shower wonderful. At first sight, I could see we were going to have so much fun! The whole time I was there, I could really feel the excitement that everyone had for Jeff and me and for the new baby coming into the neighborhood. It was a tremendous feeling and I couldn't have felt more supported by all the pros around me. The reassurance and offers to help us along the way were priceless and it was a terrific time sharing the day with my neighbors.
Memorables: diaper wreath full of creativity and baby goodies (that I don't even want to take apart because it's so darn cute!), handmade baby blocks, diaper name tags (and at the end, we found out one was a poopy winner), fabulous brunch food that I couldn't get enough of (more salad please!), cheesecakes (which I passed on, but the baby decided to have three of), tissues (since I wasn't the only one crying for once---all sweet tears!), thank you cards already stamped and addressed, all the fun stuff I came home with in addition to the kind gifts (items they had used for games and decor), Denise's and Mary's kids with all four sets of hands on my bare belly feeling the baby move after all the guests had left, far too many presents (thank you, thank you, thank you), etc., etc., etc.
Games: baby food bingo (and I got to keep all the baby food!), pass the baby (and if the lullaby stops when you're holding the baby, you're out...like hot potato), baby bottle drinking game (Denise explained that they all knew how I loved a good party so a drinking game in my honor was in order! A tray of baby bottles filled with apple juice arrived and the first one to throw it down the hatch the fastest won.)

Family Shower
Date: Saturday, January 31st
Time: 1:00pm
Given by: Jody, Khristin, Pat and Tammy (with honorable mention to Khristin’s daughter, Abby)
Theme: Step right up for a day at the carnival
My shower hosts were two of my aunts and two of my cousins from my mom's side of my family and they have to like me since we're blood! Even if we all weren't related though, I would surely pick them to be in my life. We have a riot together (too much so sometimes since pregnant or not, our bladders can't always take the hilarity). They put on such a memorable event for me and all the time they spent planning it out was absolutely evident. The bright colors and cheerfulness of the venue couldn't help but to immediately put you in a good mood. The carnival theme was incredibly captured in every component and it was fantastic! Anything that can make you feel like a kid again is always a good thing and that's how the entire day felt.
Memorables: high calorie carnival food (the best kind---corn dogs, french fries, nachos, caramel apples and more), two kinds of huge cupcakes (chocolate and coconut), vase centerpieces filled with animal crackers, gigantic swirl suckers surrounded by bags of peanuts and popcorn, tiara and honey do whistle, balloon bouquets and balloon animals, three-tiered diaper cake full of baby gear (pretty enough to look like a professional was called in and it was Tam's first time), handmade thank you cards, carnival games, cheesy prize table (their words, not mine!) where tickets collected from winning games could be redeemed, all the kids that ended up coming (and leaving with sugar highs and prizes), far too many presents (thank you, thank you, thank you), etc., etc., etc.
Games: baby bottle toss (stacked up baby bottles filled with rice and guests threw balls at them to try and knock them down), clothes pin drop (put a carafe on the ground and see how many clothes pins could make their way inside from about a three foot drop), duck pond (ducks floating in water marked with numbers on the bottom coninciding with how many tickets would be won), guess her girth (my belly was measured and each guests cut a piece of string to see who came closest to my size)
My baby showers went far beyond extraordinary! Thanks again to each and every person who helped me celebrate this most joyful time in my life. By your graciousness, thoughtfulness, kindness and generosities, you have given Jeff and me a send off into parenthood that we will treasure in our hearts always.
1 comment:
What a wonderful job all those involved in hosting your showers did. They were all so unique and fun. I enjoyed every one of them! A big thank you from me to all of you.
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