Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Undercover blogger

I love having this blog! Yes, I know you will be reading this someday, but right now only Jeff and I know it even exists and there is something so perfect about that at this moment.

I feel like I am talking to myself (with my husband as my loyal confidant wondering and waiting for what I will share next) and the rest of you are secretly eavesdropping even though you really aren’t yet. It’s as if we are in a dream together and I am trying to explain my innermost thoughts and feelings to you knowing you won’t be privy to that information when you wake up. It is such a necessary outlet for me, especially because carrying this secret gets trickier and more challenging by the day.

I know that writing this blog will be even better when I know you are reading along with me. I have craved for your comments and feedback. Thank you all in advance for your reassurance, support and guidance as you come along with me in the coming months. I can use all the help I can get. I’m new at this.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea and only you Jennifer would have thought of it. Hope you still get this excited when you are preg. with your sixth baby. All our love to you and ofcourse the baby has our love also. Nana