Wife: Do you think for my size and for having a single baby that I have the biggest belly Dr. Chow has seen?
Husband: (pause) No (uncertain)...but you're definitely right up there (in all seriousness).
Wife: (succumbs to the truth unconcerned. chuckles. thinks about hot fudge sundae.)
Five pounds. In one week I've gained five pounds! The news was broken at my doctor appointment today. My weight gain had been fairly gradual, especially in the last several weeks, so today I was not expecting what the scale read. I'm blaming it on the fact my doctor was running late which caused me to swell in my waiting room chair. That, and the scarf I was wearing. Although it was silk, it was very large and flowy and quite obviously weighed me down some. Surely it had nothing to do with the breakfast from McDonald's this morning, or the chocolate cake right after (and yesterday), or the Mexican feast, or...
Seriously though, I can feel myself swelling and I swear I feel it more and it has gotten worse since my appointment. There isn't much concern about it right now because as with my first pregnancy, my blood pressure is good. My legs are heavier, but the swelling still is not as bad as it was in the last couple of weeks with Mirabella. I'm catching up quickly now to the weight gain that time around, however.
My doctor let me know which doctor would be on call this weekend. If I have any signs of labor, or if my swelling gets worse, I am to call right away. We talked about any questions I had, which weren't many. He went to do my exam and before he told me anything else while he was checking me out, he again mentioned which doctor would be on call. This made me nervous---what did he know? I was able to breathe a little easier when he said I was dilated to one and a half centimeters, versus one a couple weeks ago. My nerves kicked in a bit more though when he said it wasn't out of the question that I could go into labor before Monday, but what's that mean really? 10% chance? 30%? Whatever the odds were, I felt they were pretty much the same as before he did the exam, so all was decent again in my mind.
I asked him very nicely to use caution about having too many mimosas the day before my c-section, Easter Sunday, to which he obliged. I expressed my concerns about a shaky handed doctor if he were to overindulge; I'm his first surgery of the day on Monday, of the last week at a minimum I think since besides his day in the office today, he has been off to spend time with his kids while on spring break for the week. Hopefully that means he'll be very well rested...not rusty. I suggested a two mimosa limit, but he impressed me by saying there would be no alcohol for him that Sunday. Good man...until he asked Jeff on his way out what time they should meet at the bar that day. Then he reiterated his commitment, "Wait, I guess it'll have to be Saturday since there'll be no alcohol on Sunday." Good, good man. A touch of a smart ass, but a good man nonetheless. Ha!
Ever since I left my appointment, I've felt different. Monday seems so far away and I'm questioning whether I'll make it. I know I've questioned that before, but this questioning is based on how I'm feeling physically and not emotionally, as it has always been before. My body is tingly, my feet need propping, my belly is even more sore and it's been really tough to walk and move around easily (or comfortably). Our little precious is antsy, moving a ton and feels like he or she is coming on down faster than the next contestant on The Price is Right. Could it be that baby #2 wants out and Monday is just not going to fit into his or her plan?
You look amazing Jen...seriously! I hope everything goes smoothly, we'll be thinking of you. Can't wait to hear the news!!!!
You look so good! I will be thinking of you this weekend and checking your blog for the news. I'm so excited for you. You will do great! xoxo
Will be thinking of you this weekend! Can't wait to hear!!!!
You cannot go into labor on Easter Sunday...you have a very precisely laid out plan for the following week - so I suggest you stick to the plan! I hate it when people deviate from a good plan...:-)
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