Sunday, April 4, 2010

In just a few hours...

...we'll have a new baby! (Oh, and it's early in the morning on Monday, April 5th, not Sunday as the post says.)

My c-section is scheduled for 9:30am and we are supposed to arrive two hours before it. We'll be at Abbott again. Last night I missed a call from a private number and when I listened to the voicemail, it was my doctor. He was calling to check in and see how I was doing, if I had any questions...seriously, on Easter Sunday no less, who does that? How awesome! I was sad to have missed it.

Jeff and I are taking Mirabella to daycare on the way this morning; our parents are splitting the time taking care of her while Jeff stays with me at the hospital which is so nice. My parents will be staying at our house to be with her at night and to take her to daycare in the morning and Jeff's parents will be picking her up from daycare each day. She'll get to meet her new sibling for the first time on Tuesday!

Both of our families will be at the hospital with us today and thanks to you all who we know will be with us in spirit.

We're heading out the door...stay tuned!?

1 comment:

Lori said...

I am so EXCITED for ALL of you! What a BLESSING from the LORD for your Family!!! I have been waiting since 7:30am {Actually 9months}to hear the good news(O= Love, Cousin Lori