We are absolutely thrilled to welcome another baby girl into our family!
Viviana (Viv-ee-on-uh) Colette was born at 9:54am on Monday, April 5th. She weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is perfect to us and we are all doing very well here in the hospital. Viviana looks a lot like Mirabella did as a baby, not so long ago, and Jeff and I love that we'll get to watch two sisters grow up together. We were able to introduce the two for the first time tonight and that meeting was in a word, precious. As soon as Mirabella was in close enough distance to Viviana, she gave her a big kiss! It was awesome and so touching. More smooches followed, along with more precious moments.
We have a bunch of photos to share once we are able to upload from our camera, so we'll get some of those up when we get home. In the meantime, here are a few below from our first day with Viviana taken from a couple other cameras and my phone.
From the recovery room (along with the one at the top of this post)...

And a few from my phone once we got settled into our room...

We have more details and photos to add ahead, so please check back if you are interested. Jeff and his girls...
...sure has a nice ring to it, huh?
She's beautiful, just like her Mom! Congratulations to all four of you. Enjoy every second of this happy time together.
Best wishes,
Tom DiGiovanni
Wonderful! We're so happy for you. I can't wait to get all these babies together and get a good look at all of them.
Many blessings,
Nicole and Nate and gang
Congratulations! You two sure make some beautiful babies! Much love to you and your family of 4.
So beautiful!!! We can't wait to meet her. We are happy to hear everyone is doing well! Love the name too. - Jodi
OK, now that you are done..for a bit?? We need to go out! You look awesome...BABY is beautiful, however close in age...talk to my sis if you ever need to vent! She is so DANG CUTE!!! You have a beautiful family!!! Love the "vintage" name, so like you! LOVE it!!! A LITTLE, but chubby girl!!!! So CUTE!!! This is anonymous...cause I can't remember my password.... From Amy Hunter...Luv ya!!!!
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