In just one week from today, we will become a family of four! The countdown is on. I am consumed by thoughts of...this is the last Monday before the baby comes, the last one just the three of us; tomorrow will be...this is the last Tuesday before the baby comes, and so on and so on. Coupled with that, it was my last Monday at work...and tomorrow will be my last Tuesday at work, and so on and so on. It's all very surreal.
Yesterday (Sunday, March 28th) marked 38 weeks of pregnancy for me. My last doctor appointment on Thursday, March 25th was short and sweet. The baby's heart beat sounded good and there was no further dilation news after hearing I was dilated to a one the appointment a week prior. It's not that there wasn't any news, but we just didn't find out any since my doctor opted not to do an exam. He gave me the option and I told him whatever he thought was fine by me and he said, "Let's wait until next week then."
Waiting was fine by me since I trusted that if he thought I had progressed enough to make any difference, he would have done the exam. Well, waiting was fine except for one little thing. I had forgotten to leave my house wearing socks that day and leather shoes with no socks doesn't always equal feet that smell like roses. I should say that not wearing socks has become virtually a habit since it's way more comfortable than the tops of them digging into my ankles leaving marks looking like someone is trying to choke them. But on doctor appointment days, I try to remember to at least sport some ankle socks so as to spare myself from the embarrassment of my doctor gagging on the stench of sweaty feet. I did remember to bring socks with though, knee high dress stockings this time, but they'd do the trick. However, it had slipped my mind all six plus hours before my appointment to actually put them on. So there I find myself in my office bathroom washing my feet (clumsily I might add, trying not to topple over) with paper towels and hand soap before heading out the door to the clinic! Yep, I did it, yes, I'm actually admitting it and yeah, gross.
All that work and no exam so it didn't really matter anyway, but hey, at least my feet smelled nice (as nice as soft pink commercial hand soap can smell---or is it the foamy white soap at my office?) underneath the socks that I adorned them with for no more than an hour. I gained one pound since the last week's appointment, slightly less than what I weighed at this time in my pregnancy with Mirabella according to my doctor. Cool! My next, and final, appointment is on Thursday (Thursday, April 1st).
This is the last Monday with aforementioned stinky shoes, and tomorrow will be the last Tuesday with aforementioned stinky shoes, and Wednesday will be the last...
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