I get to Potbelly with my mouth watering, order my usual veggie on wheat, no mushrooms or Swiss. "So basically a cheese sandwich," 22-year-old sandwich guy says. Then he starts telling me how he just loves it when people come in and order some healthy type of sandwich, and then during the next sandwich making step they pile on everything they can get their hands on, add chips, cookies, shakes, what have you. Chuckle, chuckle from me as I skip the mayo out of guilt during the next step, grab my cookie and go.

The lure of the cookie has been mesmerizing. I was really trying to have some willpower though. I tried. I failed. Because this scenario has become somewhat routine, I knew that yesterday (just a couple hours after my last cookie) when we walked in for my 34 week doctor appointment, there was no chance of that scale reading the same thing as the last time (as it did at my previous appointment). "Was there a jump?" I asked. "Yes, there was." I had to ask exactly what since it's like they don't want to alarm you, so they try to be so sneaky about it. "Four pounds." Fine. Even though my belly is feeling gigantic at this point, I'm somehow still measuring exactly "right on" with where I should be. We heard our baby's heartbeat beating away again and tried to figure out his or her position inside of me. Even with all the body parts practically popping out of me at times, it still remains foggy as to which part is where. We also talked about what to expect these latter stages of pregnancy. The big day is getting to be so close! All looks good and my next appointment is in two weeks.
I laughed out loud when I read this post. You deserve all the Potbelly cookies you want! =)
P.S. Thank you so much for the gift. It was absolutely unnecessary but so very thoughtful and much appreciated!
They DO have the best cookies! I admit I get one everytime time, too. With my diet coke.
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