As for actual baby stuff, I’m really looking forward to the ultrasound on October 21st. Nothing would make me happier than if Dr. Chow said, “Wow, that kid is enormous. I think we better induce right here and now.” The waiting is pretty much killing me at this point. Jennifer has had to listen to me on about 100 occasions utter the phrase, “Let’s get that kid out of there already.” Maybe you need nine months to mentally, emotionally, and financially prepare for a baby if you are a 16 year old kid who had no intention of having a child your sophomore year of high school, but when you’re 32 years old nine months seems like an eternity. It’s like booking a tropical vacation months in advance. All you do is daydream about the feel of the white sand between your toes, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach, the taste of the margarita as it hits your lips…until it eventually starts to drive you nuts. That’s where I am with this kid right now. Hurry it
up in there already! Isn’t that turkey done? A couple of weeks ago my wife’s belly button popped out just like that timer thing pops out on a turkey on Thanksgiving. Doesn’t that mean the kid should be popping out any second now? I know, be careful what you wish for. We certainly don't want a premature baby five months ahead of schedule, but c'mon!

In the meantime I guess I’ll just have to daydream about dirty diapers, sleepless nights and spit up on my favorite clothes. Yep, I knew that would work. That metal imagery has worked wonders for my patience already. Gobble, gobble!
Whoa...I thought someone was trying to sabotage the blog when I opened it and saw some unfamilar writing---it's been a while! That was cute, babe.
And my husband was not kidding when he says he talks about getting this baby out all the time. He also talks about how boring it would be to be a baby, how there would just be nothing to do but sit in my belly and bounce around all day, etc. It's pretty funny.
Haha.. ok I just laughed out loud. So cute!
Ps Jeff, Nico hasn't taken a nap since 10:00am.. it is now 5:27pm... oh fun!
Hilarious! I love the Trump stuff!
Abby sleeps all the time. I am sure your little one will as well.
I would like to nominate Jared from Subway. I don't like him.
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