Wednesday, October 22, 2008

20 weeks: Photos


The Morelli Mafia said...

Are you sure you are pregnant? :)

The Swimnizzies said...

That is what I am thinking! Your profile still looks better than mine and I'm not pregnant!

Anonymous said...

J +J,
Thanks for doing this blog - we think often of you and your entries make us remember (not so long ago) the magic of pregnancy - especially the first one. Take care of each other and relish in the joy of these days, there is so much fun coming your way!

Anonymous said...

Hey I saw your blog off of Missys. Congrats on your soon to be new addition. How are you? Its been a long time. You look great. Take care...

Bundlewarmer said...

T & L, You two are way too kind. Thank you!

Hey Genanne and Jodi! So good to hear from you both and thanks for the comments!

Meyer Family said...

Price, you look amazing, you have the pregnancy glow...i love it!

BKOlson said...

I love your belly in the last photo... you actually look pregnant! The other pics are cute, but you are too little to be 20 weeks pregnant!! All in all, you look great and I am so excited things are so well in your pregnancy.

Jordan said...

LOVE that cute teensy tiny belly!