She pointed out a few key features that help ease the serious concerns at this stage about our baby having some of the main abnormalities they check for, so that was wonderful to hear. That part made me start to cry. It was just nice hearing any kind of reassurance. All four chambers in the heart looked good and the baby’s fingers and toes are all accounted for (no, he or she isn't missing a big toe in photo four, it's just bending!). Seeing the details of the spine was really cool too. As we had planned, we did not succumb to the suspense getting the better of us and still opted not to find out what we are having. It wasn't clear anyway, so even better for us knowing that no one could have spilled the beans accidentally. I've gained nine pounds, and even though that's normal, I can't help but wonder how many more will be packed on in the second half!
Everything combined made for an extremely surreal and moving event today. Our eyes could not stop staring at the monitor and we are both so in love with our baby. We met with our doctor after the ultrasound and he said that everything looked fantastic!

I just getting happier and happier for you guys. Your bug is so cute. I can't wait to meet him or her! XOXOOX
How exciting!!!! Awesome pics of the babe
Congrats Jenny and Jeff!! I am so excited to meet the little one when he/she arrives. It is so much fun to see the progress. -Alissa
Yay, so much fun and exciting!!
This made me tear up! What a darling baby. I love him/her already! Such great pics... so glad everything went well and that you got to see your baby.
Thanks for sharing the 1st official pictures of your baby!! I am so excited for you guys and thrilled that your pregnancy is going so well. I guess it was worth the wait!
Those are such awesome pictures guys! I can't wait to see the little bugger....good for you for not finding out the sex :) It will be the best surprise of your life!
Thanks for all the nice comments! We really enjoy reading them, so thank you for taking the time to write them. We are SO excited too and can't wait to meet him or her either!
Oh, and just to clarify...I had posted under Jeff's name on this one (sorry for any confusion).
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