Jeff and I headed out to see the Matt White show last night and not only was it outstanding, the baby was getting his or her groove on too! I'm convinced we have a little rock star in me, but that could be wishful thinking on my part (because I love me some music and love me some people with musical talent). Appease me and let's pretend the kicks and punches I've been feeling lately are actually air guitar moves and hand to mouth microphone simulations.
Let me fade back into my promotions days. If you haven't heard of Matt White, check him out . However, it completely worked in our favor that apparently many of you haven't heard of him because that meant we sat front row, three feet away from him as the band performed last night. Not to mention, tickets were ridiculously cheap (13 bucks, so around $20 thanks to Ticketmaster). We couldn't believe it, but the venue was like a petite grade school auditorium (perhaps more like a gymnasium), a sentiment echoed by both opening acts and the headliner. We knew it would be small, which we were pumped about, but we had no idea of just how intimate it would end up being. There had to be less than 50 people there. Seating was set up like a basic church style of two groups of seats on each side and an aisle in the middle. Facing the stage, we sat in the left section and had the first two aisle seats. Matt (yeah, I'll fake like we're tight) could literally spit on me (and I was so captivated by the closeness that I may have welcomed it if he had)!

If you haven't sensed, I could go on and on (which I probably will continue to do). I'll start my conclusion with saying that after the show, the band came off stage to hang out with the audience for a bit. We ended up being able to score their set list (with the drummer's permission), and thus began the mission of getting the guys to sign it for us (I know, total whack jobs, but absolutely worth all the entertainment. It was Jeff's idea, and it was brilliant.).
We were talking with the drummer for so long though that eventually Matt retreated from the few stragglers that remained without us getting his signature. We finished our chat, snagged a John Hancock from the guitarist that hadn't yet signed it (yes, we know their names, but I'll refrain from using them so as not to sound like a name dropper :) ) and decided to wait to see if Matt would appear again. No such luck until a guy breaking down the equipment asked us if we were waiting for Matt, so we told him the deal (he was the last of the four to sign the set list and we hoped not to leave without his mark too). He said he’d see if he could help, went back in the room Matt was in and then came out and invited us in. Yes, he invited us in! Matt, his band mates and a couple others were hanging out and we were finally able to bug him and he let us do so, graciously.

We tried to clarify that we weren't crazy, probably just annoying, but they made us feel entirely normal, welcome even. We got to chat the group up for about ten minutes maybe. Awesome. They asked how we had heard about them (an iTunes discovery of mine about five months ago), we talked about what they thought about the venue, where else in Minnesota they’ve played, had some other miscellaneous banter and we ended the conversation with some pregnancy talk, which was really fun! We let them know that it was our baby’s first show and they were all so courteously interested about the pregnancy. It was charming, even if they were as I said, just being courteous. Thanks for reading my recap; we had a blast. It's a night we’ll remember and hopefully they’ll get their well-deserved support and then it will be even cooler sharing this memory with our child.
(FYI: When a word or phrase is highlighted in a different color than the other text within a post, it is hyperlinked so you can click on it for more information...for those that didn't already know. There are several examples above, and in previous posts if you hadn’t noticed.)

Sorry about the poor quality of these photos, but I was trying to be discrete and these are from my phone.