The gift to our parents
The book: "The Joyous Gift of Granparenting"
Vince and Tricia's book wishes them congratulations on becoming grandparents for the first time
Steve and Barb's book wishes them congratulations on becoming grandparents for the second time
Sunday, July 6th was the reveal to my parents. They came over to our house at around 4:00 with my brother and Noelan, our nephew, to celebrate my dad's birthday. I had a margarita in hand (limeade with a salted rim which actually does an excellent job at tricking you into thinking you are really indulging in the real thing!) and we sat down together over some appetizers and drinks and casually chatted. Both Jeff and I had hoped to get the reveal out of the way as soon as we could, so before dinner, we suggested my dad open his gifts. The final gift was the book, as we had hoped would be the plan. We had asked my dad to sit on the sofa before he started opening all the gifts so we wouldn’t get a glare from the window for any photos we took. This was actually so he and my mom were sitting together there. He opened the box, moved the tissue paper away, looked a bit puzzled and said slyly with a smile, “Are you guys trying to tell me something?” Since my parents have one grandchild, it was possible that the book was geared for activities they could take part in with Noelan, so it took a second to click. At this point, the room fell silent and my mom began to share the puzzled look as I asked him to turn the page (which I had written on). My mom was even more confused at this point saying, “What? What’s going on? Give me my glasses! What are you talking about? Let me see that?” She got her glasses on and together they stared at the book and it sunk in as the words that came out of my mouth confirmed what they were realizing, “We’re having a baby! I’m pregnant!”
My mom was in shock because again, she still thought I was on my pill. She didn’t completely know what to make of it all, but excitement and happiness soon followed, for the entire room. Hugs and kisses, surprise, happiness and still a bit of shock. Happy shock! My mom was somewhat apprehensive wondering how we really knew if we hadn’t even been to the doctor yet, but we eased her apprehension by explaining all of our various reasons and that emotion faded and turned again to surprise and happiness. It was so much fun. Before my dad opened the book, Noelan was sitting on my lap and I asked that he pay attention because I had a secret inside Papa’s box. He paid attention perfectly, but had some trouble comprehending what was going on. He couldn’t see a baby in my belly and thus was cautious about believing me. Although when the discussion of baby names arose soon after the chaos, Noelan piped in with his suggestions. Princess if the baby is a girl and Pirate if he is a boy. Pretty cute for a four year old! Baby names were a big discussion for the rest of the night. What a lovely evening and we cannot wait to continue this journey with my family beside us throughout the way.
Steve and Barb, my mom and dad
Jason and Noelan, my brother and nephew
Jeff, Noelan and me
The news just begins to settle in
Monday, July 7th was the reveal to Jeff’s parents. We went for happy hour at their house at about 4:15 and had plans to stay for dinner. Before I could have my pineapple martini, I would need to listen to Tricia’s short concert (which she thinks is a chore, but I happen to enjoy them) to see how she had come along since taking her piano lessons. She is quite good, but she is modest and will probably tell you otherwise! Once the concert concluded, the four of us congregated around the kitchen island. Since we were out of town for Father’s Day this year, we hadn’t really celebrated with Vince and had brought something for him to open in addition to the early birthday gift for Tricia. Once Vince was done, Tricia was just about to pour my martini when I said that it was her turn to open. I told Vince that he would even like this one in hopes that he would pay special attention. He did and Tricia opened the box, moved the tissue paper away and she and Vince shared the same puzzled look my parents had the night before. Briefly. It quickly sunk in and they sported the biggest smiles and exclamations of joy! Immediately they came with hugs and kisses, and after Tricia read what I had written inside, Jeff and I saw the tears well up. It was wonderful. This will be their first grandchild and the happiness on their faces was something I was fortunate to be able to capture in a photo on this post. We even got our first baby gifts: two outfits with the Bent Creek (our golf club) logo on them, one if we have a boy and one of we have a girl! She had bought them before they stopped carrying baby clothes, and it was so fun to receive them.
The night continued with some reminiscing of Tricia’s pregnancies, talk of baby names and how different things are with all the rules there are for pregnant moms now. When I passed on even a sip of a martini and talked about how I shouldn’t take ibuprofen, how we had been told from friends I shouldn’t get pedicures because of the pressure points on your feet triggering labor (which is still weird to me), how there was too much mercury in some fish and I could only eat very small doses of some and some I could no longer eat at all, etc., etc., etc., I think it gave them both a glimpse at how much things had changed---or at least how ridiculous they had become! I tend to agree with them on certain points, but I figure it’s not my desire to argue at this point (I do have a long list of questions for my doc though!). I think the only disappointment was that we didn’t agree to letting Jeff’s grandparents know just yet. Nana and Papa, soon we hope to share some glorious news with you and please know that the wait has been terrible on us! We at least want to see how our doctor appointment goes on Friday (Friday, July 11th) to make sure all is progressing as it should, and to appease my mom, to make sure I am really pregnant first! It was a fantastic evening with Tricia and Vince and we will look forward to sharing many more stories along the way with them.
Jeff's parents, Vince and Tricia, haven't yet comprehended the news
And the news settles in
Buh-bye pineapple martini
Husband takes one for the team and drinks wife's pineapple martini while she substitues with O'Doul's (clearly not my best photo, but it'll have to do!)
Our first baby gifts
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