With my love of pancakes during pregnancy, our family has ventured south a few times these past couple of months so I can indulge in some of the best of them (the blueberry pancakes in particular). Our previous trip to Emma Krumbee's was the morning of Saturday, January 23rd. It was a snowy day with no plans, which we were so excited about, so we decided a little road trip for the three of us would be fun. We planned on following up breakfast with me running an errand or two and then the two of us cleaning the house. So when I was letting Jeff know my next steps for the day before the cleaning began, he said, "Great, that'll give you just enough time before your 1:00 pregnancy massage."

The night before when Jeff had asked for a back scratch, I joked that it was me, the pregnant one, who should really be the recipient of back scratches and massages right now. When I gave in to his request as I typically do since I am always, always aiming to please him (right, babe?), I'll admit I thought his response had an air of BS when he said, "I promise, you'll get a nice massage tomorrow."

So at breakfast when he mentioned my 1:00 massage, I thought it was coming from him (which was still greatly anticipated and very welcome), but I was wrong. He had made arrangements for me to have have a one hour professional pregnancy massage that day! It was the greatest surprise and not to mention, one of the best excuses for not having to clean our house that day. :) When I said the same to him, he replied with something like, "Hey, you'll be nice and loose, all ready to clean like crazy when you get home!" Funny. It didn't happen.

The massage was heavenly, but it was the thoughtfulness of the gesture that was the best part of it. That husband of mine, what a guy!

You are waaaaaaayyyy to spoiled!
You sure lucked out with that guy!
The comment above was from me!!!
I don't know why it said anonymous. I think equally lucked out with each other. You both continue to do very special things for each other and that is what makes you the couple you are.
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