Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's a girl...

...or so my dream two nights ago indicated. This was my first dream regarding the sex of our baby, or about our baby in general that I can recall. For those of you who didn't know, like with Mirabella, we chose not to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. There was all kinds of craziness surrounding my dream (just like with my first pregnancy, I am dreaming all the time!), but then it was all clear and relatively normal when I was in the operating room about to have our baby. I was having a c-section and within what felt like about ten seconds (wouldn't that be nice?), the baby was out and she was a girl! She was plump and beautiful. And nameless.

Someone in the operating room asked what her name was (just like they did right away when I delivered Mirabella and it was so surreal to say her name for the first time), but oh my gosh, we didn't have one! And in reality, we don't have one!

Names have proven to be more challenging this time around, but hopefully we won't be leaving the hosptial with a nameless baby. We have a few contenders, but no decision yet. During my first pregnancy, I was telling everyone for the longest time that we hadn't made a final decision regarding names, but we had and just weren't telling people what they were (we didn't want to be influenced by other people's opinions and we wanted the name to be another surprise to everyone on delivery day). We decided on Mirabella's name maybe before I was even pregnant, or right in the beginning of my pregnancy at least. The boy's name came later, but we were pretty sure of it for quite some time. We think we're all set on a boy's name this time around, but I really mean it, we do not have a girl's name picked out.

When I was pregnant with Mirabella, I dreamt we had a baby boy...and we all know how that turned out. So, maybe this time it'll be the opposite again. Should we be getting prepared to blend our currently pink world with a blue one?

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