Thursday, May 23, 2013

Doctor appointment: 38 weeks (and a letter to my family)

It was a full family affair early this morning as Jeff, Mirabella, Viviana and I went to my 38 week appointment, my last doctor appointment before our baby comes!

Vivi so kindly made sure to let Mirabella know that these appointments come complete with suckers from the nurses. Although she made sure to point out that these were not the really, really BIG suckers she had grown fond of during the two appointments prior.

The girls were able to hear the baby's heart beat and they thought that was really cool. Big smiles filled their faces.

From all indications, it looks as though I will make it to my scheduled c-section date of the 31st, next Friday. I was still not dilated and the baby seems content camping out. I have felt the most uncomfortable last night and today, but just in my stomach. The baby's position (butt sticking out on my left side and head down, lower on my right side) seems to be the culprit for that.
One thing that has not been making me uncomfortable lately is swelling. Strangely that has hardly been an issue for me this week! I'm not sure why, especially since with both girls the swelling was a big part of my last days of pregnancy, but I welcome its disappearance with open arms. I'm crediting the lack of swelling this week for my weight loss (yes, loss!) of 1 pound since my appointment last Friday! I think that brings me back to 39 pounds for total weight gain thus far. There is still a week left that can do some damage though, particularly since I plan on gorging and overindulging on all of the heavenly, scrumptious edibles I can get my hands on! I literally picked up three pints of ice cream today and I anticipate those getting me through the week a few days before I have to make another run. And I have no shame about that whatsoever. This is spectacular!
Dear Family:
Please save your wide eyes and disapproving looks while you witness what is about to go down in the next eight days. Girls, when I grab ice cream from the freezer, please refrain from chanting your now habitual condemning phrases, "Maaahhhm, No more ice cream! You eat TOO MUCH ice cream! You're going to get a tummy ache! STOP EATING ALL THAT ICE CREAM!"
I have carried your child and sibling in my ever-expanding belly for a long, long time and have taken extra good care of him or her. Our baby has been getting suitable nutrition and that, coupled with the three supplements I take, have helped to ensure proper health and nourishment.
Further, as the mom of this child, I know more than anyone how he or she is happiest after I have inhaled a plate of enchiladas. The chips, salsa, rice and beans throw this kiddo into a tailspin, but it's the sour cream that is the icing on the cake. I don't even get the queso dip anymore because I'm afraid things might spiral out of control if the baby gets another taste. Pizza, nacho cheese Doritos, blueberry pancakes and mac and cheese bring on twirls from the womb. Decadent coffee shop (decaf) coffees are not only a special treat, but I believe they are essential to baby's well being at this point. The cheerleading that goes on inside tells me so; I may need to increase my intake to daily doses. Between the coffees, hot chocolates, blueberry lemonades, sparkling juices and waters, Arnie Palmers, root beers, limeades and grapefruit juices, I hardly miss the vodka (or Bailey's, where appropriate). OK, that's a lie. But, they have been nice distractions.
And the ice cream, oh, the ice cream...I can almost hear the applause from within me with each bite (especially during the brownie bites)! That oatmeal chocolate chip cookie I had two days ago (ahem, purchased and from what I could tell, encouraged by you, husband of mine) produced elation. The Oreo ice cream covered in hot fudge and crushed Oreos from Sebastian Joe's (thanks, Tarah!) induced jubilation and triggered moves like I've never felt. Dancing took place. Disco. I could feel it. How am I, loving mom of this little one, supposed to deprive our baby of this? I am certain he or she is having more just as much fun as I am!
Thank you for your patience, understanding and unconditional support (and depletion of your wallet as you foot the bill to my unabashedly indulgent - though temporary - life, Jeff) in regards to these matters in this last week of my pregnancy.
You guys rock.
The matriarch of your family
PS. After our baby is born and I continue to make many notable sacrifices as I nurse this child from my swollen, aching bosom, I would like an extension of all of the above. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
This is my last week of pregnancy and I am spoiling myself!
(Cue eye rolls from Jeff, Mirabella and Viviana)

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