Saturday, May 18, 2013

Doctor appointment: 37 weeks

Convinced our baby had dropped rapidly over the past week, when given the option to have my doctor do an exam yesterday, I was all over it. Much to my surprise, what I have been feeling did not so much match what my doctor felt. I was still not dilated and though he thought the baby's head was down, it was not very low yet.

My weight jumped six pounds in a week, already making this pregnancy a record setter of my three for weight gain. I would say with the swelling and fluid retention I'm accustomed to towards the very end of pregnancy, I probably have at least another ten pounds in store before delivery day.

Viviana sported a big grin - as she was sucking away on her watermelon lollipop from one of the nurses - when it came time to hear our baby's heartbeat, which captivated each of us.

Our time with Dr. Chow ended with him showing us a clip from a movie that had him cracking up recently: a clip from the movie She's Having a Baby when Kevin Bacon's character finds out his wife hasn't been taking her birth control pill for three months. Not wanting to miss out, Vivi watched attentively, especially at the end during the explosion! The appointment was more fun than eventful, but it went great which is always comforting. My last appointment will be next Thursday (Thursday, May 23rd).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You look so great! Yes, there's no question your baby bump appears to be decent sized. But that's because the rest of you is so tiny in comparison! We're wishing you a smooth delivery and enjoyable (as possible) last days for the baby's birth.

Lots of love,