Friday, May 31, 2013

Our new baby has arrived!

Photos: 38 and 39 weeks

38 weeks

39 weeks

I hit 39 weeks of pregnancy yesterday. We're outta here and heading to the hospital!
Baby #3 coming soon...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last day as a foursome

Tomorrow our four will become five! The last night with Mirabella and Viviana as our only children ended deliciously like this...

Of course I didn't argue the idea when Jeff suggested we take a trip to the DQ after dinner, even though a few hours before I had dipped into this...
And a couple hours before that, the girls and I ate ourselves stuffed at the Pizza Hut buffet! Hey, can you blame a girl? I'm not going to get to eat or drink anything - not even a drop of water - from tonight until late tomorrow afternoon at best. Packing it all in was essential to my happiness. Besides, I'm convinced we worked it all off running around at the grocery store right after.
Aside from all the eating, there was a lot of playtime and an abundance of smooches and squeezes for the girls in between. Oh, and I may have been slightly frantic and frenzied as I tried to make sure everything was in order, but things are (pretty much) set. Just waiting on you, baby cakes! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Belly shot comparisons of babies 1, 2 and 3 at 37 and 38 weeks

It was interesting for me to look back on how my size has compared between my three pregnancies. I can especially see the similarites in my size and shape between my pregnancy with Viviana and this one, but I think these show I have not been small with any of them! Here is how I looked at 37 and 38 weeks with the three:
37 weeks
Pregnancy #1 (Mirabella)
Pregnancy #2 (Viviana)

Pregnancy #3 (New baby)

38 weeks

Pregnancy #1 (Mirabella)

Pregnancy #2 (Viviana)

Pregnancy #3 (New baby)

To my girls

An entry from each of your journals...

Dear Mirabella,

In the past few weeks, you have become a little Mommy's girl and I have been enjoying all of the extra love, hugs and kisses to the fullest! I think part of the reason why are you giving me all the added attention is because you might be worried some of my attention is being taken away from you and focused on this new baby of ours. But always remember that Daddy and I have so much love to give you, and that will never change no matter what. Even though our family of four is about to become five in just a couple of days, on May 31st, we are going to love you just as much as we always have, probably even more - if that is possible! Tons of excitement is ahead for all of us and we know you will embrace and cherish every moment. You are such a caring, sensitive, nurturing and loving girl and we have no doubt you are going to take the best care of your new brother or sister. You already give him or her lots of kisses while riding along in my belly! (Remember when we were cuddling and you could feel the baby kicking you from my tummy to yours as I held you close in my arms? That will be one of my favorite memories ever.) We bet you'll be the best of friends, just like you and Viviana are now. You two are naturals when playing mommies to your baby dolls, your way of practicing your big sister roles together. Watching you two makes Daddy and me smile a bunch. We can hardly wait for all of the fun that is in store once our new family member arrives. We are certain you will love him or her to pieces and think you will be as close as close can be. I hope that will always be the case for you and your baby brother or sister who is going to adore you, just like your dad and me! Dad and I love you very, very much, our lovely Mirabella.


Dear Viviana,

You are the most darling sister to your baby sibling already, kissing him or her in my belly at every chance you get. It is one of your favorite things to do and of course, I love it too! You like to try and feel the baby moving and you always want him or her to kick you just like the baby did for the first time...right in your cheek as you put your face up against my tummy! That was really funny, wasn't it? You also like talking to the baby and I know he or she will know your cute, little voice upon your first meeting because of that. Daddy and I have had such a wonderful time watching you grow and we know you are going to be an awesome big sister. We can't wait to see the three of you kids together. We are going to have the best time as a family of five! Always know that even though a new baby will demand some extra attention from your dad and me, especially in the beginning, we love you just as much as we always have - probably even more than ever! You overflow our hearts with the love you give us too, telling Daddy and me constantly how much you love us. You blessed us in so many ways the day you arrived and became a part of our lives. So many happy times are ahead and we look forward to all that is to come for our family as we welcome its newest member. We are sure you will love your new baby brother or sister so very much and we hope your bond will be as special as can be, just like the one you have with your big sissy, Mirabella. In only two days, on May 31st, you are going to become a big sister for the first time. Yay! Dad and I love you more than words can say, sweet Vivi.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The big sisters are ready!

Their big sister books have been read and reread and it is almost time to put their skills to use. And let me tell you, I will be relying on my little helpers a ton. This will be such a different experience than when I had Viviana and Mirabella was just a baby herself at 13 months old. Now I'll have two ladies around while Jeff isn't and that will certainly come in handy as I have to send them for more burp cloths, diapers, onesies and wipes as the baby is spraying me with poop and/or spit up! I give it about a week before they get sick of it. More likely the case will be that they'll send me off on the scavenger hunt while they hang out with the baby. I know they are going to love him or her to pieces and probably will never want to leave the baby alone. 

Just as it did when Mirabella was going to be a big sister for the first time, the part in the book that says, "I want you to remember Viviana, one thing that's always true...that nobody can ever, ever take the place of you," always gets me choked up and fighting back the sobs.
The girls have been doing a lot of role playing with their baby dolls and with each other to prepare for their new sibling. They like to pretend they have babies in their bellies just like me, and when they pop them out, they take care of them like perfect mommies. There are countless stroller rides, feedings, doctor visits (with the occasional hospital trip after a baby falls off the bunk bed), story readings and tucking in sessions. It is the sweetest to watch and they are proud to show us everything they do.
Nurturing has always come naturally for Mirabella, but Viviana has followed her lead and I know the two are going to take the best care of their new brother or sister flawlessly. I was expecting Viviana to be the one to show us a jealous side after the baby's arrival, but we suspect that role may shift to Mirabella. She has been all about her mommy like never before. She has become overly sensitive and finely in tune to the fact that I am unable to do everything the way I could even just a month ago, specifically carry her. She knows why I can't do it, but still questions it every time. Her feelings are hurt when I can't scoop her up in my arms and hike her up on my side from place to place and most times she ends up in tears.
I'm worried how it is going to go over when the baby comes and there will be six weeks of me not being able to pick her up at all. Right now I can still do it (reluctantly) for short durations, but after the baby comes, I won't be able to do it at all. How will they process me carrying the new baby - whose weight is within my acceptable lifting guidelines - and not them? Hopefully their love for him or her will overshadow any of the hurt feelings. I know it will work out fine and eventually they will get over it, but it breaks a piece of my heart that I can't physically be all things to my girls right now, or for a month and a half to come.   
On a lighter note: I pulled out one of the newborn diapers from next to the changing pad and Mirabella and Viviana giggled like crazy at how tiny they were! (You really do forget how itsy bitsy they are.) When we are out shopping they point out clothes and toys, asking if we can get this or that for the new baby, and letting me know which we should get if our baby is a girl and which we should get if our baby is a boy. They'll find things around our house and assign them to the baby. When I found a container of used pacifiers they insisted we needed to keep them and couldn't toss them in the garbage. I let them know we could pick out new ones for the baby, but that didn't help. An art project for those old ones might be in store to serve as a recycling distraction.
Their answers are sounding rehearsed by now when they are questioned about whether they think I am having a boy or a girl. "We don't know yet," they say, almost in unison. "God gets to pick, but we get to pick the name," is their follow-up. If the question is, "Are you hoping for a brother or a sister?" it is commonly Viviana who chimes in with, "I want a sister, but Sissy wants a brother."
We have been playing a lot and getting in a bunch of quality time together before the big day. We've been around town, making our rounds to parks and playgrounds...


...feeding the horsies carrots at the race track...

...eating pancakes at Emma Krumbee's...

...doing projects like crazy...
...going to Edinborough Park...

...and have been frolicking about, right outside our front door.

Mirabella painted this beautiful flower pot at preschool, and the girls planted three blooms: one for Mirabella, one for Viviana and one for Baby!
I have been asking the girls questions regarding the baby and here is what they've said:
What are you most excited about for when the baby comes?
Mirabella: Hugging and kissing (him or her)
Viviana: Going to the park (with him or her)
What do you want to name the baby if he is a boy?
Mirabella: Sawyer (from the movie A Dolphin's Tale) or Kieran (a preschool friend)
Viviana: Sawyer
What do you want to name the baby if she is a girl?
Mirabella: Karen (from the movie Frosty the Snowman), Elizabeth, Rosie or Sydney
Viviana: Karen, Carla or Mermaid
What color hair do you think the baby will have?
Mirabella: Blonde
Viviana: The baby won't have any hair
What color eyes do you think the baby will have?
Mirabella: Blue
Viviana: Blue
Will the baby be tall or short?
Mirabella: Short
Viviana: Short
How many pounds do you think the baby will weigh?
Mirabella: 30 pounds
Viviana: 34 pounds
So cute.
Each girl has upped their number of kisses and sweet greetings to the baby in the last couple of weeks. They know the end of my pregnancy is drawing near and they are giving their sibling a lot of love as he or she prepares to leave the comfort zone of my stomach. Soon Mirabella and Viviana will have a new brother or sister to cherish and they are ready and raring to roll out the welcome mat!