I have entered my third trimester! Obviously I’m the only one excited about it since no one realized it besides me (Insert pity party here. I can hear the violins, can you?), but as of Sunday, January 17th, I am 28 weeks pregnant. And yes, I am excited! Although there is no party planned, we are having Chipotle and these days, that counts for something. I think I’ll get some ice cream too. I discovered a new flavor, ONE Cheesecake Brownie and it proved dangerous. Jeff and I split a pint the other day, which means he had 1/10 of it while I devoured the rest. Don’t let him kid you though, that boy can eat ice cream. It usually takes him two sittings to polish off a pint whereas in most cases, it takes me three sittings while pregnant to do that kind of damage.
Oh, and since we’re (do you like how I brought you all into this “conversation”?) talking ice cream…is it too much to ask for someone to get me some salted caramel ice cream from Bi-Rite Creamery? Soon? Or maybe NOW? I’d almost consider a plane ticket to San Francisco for some of that deliciousness. Unfortunately they don’t deliver. I checked. I know a place that does though if ever any of you is itching to shell out too much dough on a gift of ice cream for me; just ask and I’d be happy to provide you with that information. I mean come on, it’s the third trimester for crying out loud! I made it! (Ice cream delivery also makes a wonderful gift for just having a baby, coming home from just having a baby, one month anniversaries of having a baby, Mother’s Day and birthdays.)

There are 12 more weeks until my due date, April 11th, but hopefully it’ll actually be about 11 weeks until our babe arrives. Every day shaved off is great by me at that point since at 37 weeks, our baby will be considered full term. My next doctor appointment is on Monday (Monday, January 25th) where I’ll do my glucose test. Hopefully I don’t fail after all that ice cream I’m imagining getting sent to me over the weekend.
Good luck! Fruit punch or Orange!
Thanks! Orange this time. I had fruit punch for the test with Mirabella and it wasn't bad, so I'm hoping I can expect the same!
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