Jeff and I had the cutest baby boy, smart too. Fresh from the womb, he was already speaking during introductions! "Hi," he would say to all the new faces as I held him up for his first 15 minutes of fame. The delivery part came after. I'm not so sure how that worked, but if I remember correctly, it was a flashback of sorts brought on by the nurse having to recap how it all went down since I couldn't remember. During that part of it, I felt my water break and that's when I awoke. I immediately brought myself to the bathroom, thankful I made it before wetting the bed!
It was somewhat ironic that the first birth dream happened on Jeff's birthday (Friday, November 7th). It was a little difficult keeping track of the actual day since we managed to celebrate four times (first with both sets of parents, next with my parents along with Jason, Tanya and Noelan, then just the two of us and finally, with Jeff's parents along with Tom and Bergie---taking after wifey on that one, huh babe?)! I didn't take as many pictures as usual, but here a few from some of the festivities.
Also on Jeff's birthday...snow! When we woke up that morning, this is how it looked outside. It was early enough to consider it very pretty and it's even easier to say that now because it didn't stick around. If only the cooler weather would follow suit. From fall to winter overnight; welcome to Minnesota.
1 comment:
I also had plenty or dreams about the sex of my child. I would have laid my money down that I was having a boy. The dreams and how I was feeling all led me in that direction. A total shock when they told us that it was a girl at our 38 week appointment when Steve "JUST HAD TO KNOW NOW!".
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