I’ve been asked about cravings and have had trouble being completely specific in what I have been craving since I’ve wanted to eat pretty much everything I wanted before pregnancy...in large quantities...and often! I'm on a major Bruegger’s egg and cheese bagel kick and cannot get enough of them, mostly at lunchtime. I've gotten a real hankering for those over the last few months, along with malts made with malted milk powder prepared on probably a couple too many occasions by my hubby. Funny how I hadn’t had one of those in years I bet, but now they are really hitting the spot. Actually, even though it's getting colder outside, I could eat ice cream in general every day. Not that I necessarily couldn't before, but now it sounds extra yummy and much more regularly than it used to. I suppose I have to throw brownies or any fudgy, chewy, gooey type of dessert in the cravings mix. The consistency is the key (maybe the chewiness is what does it for me with the bagels too). Oh, and peanut butter. Peanut butter sounds especially good to me now too. Great. I'm beginning to see a pattern here with these last few which all amount to the introduction of my new nickname: Fatty Fatcakes...coming soon no doubt. OK, so I guess now that I mention it, yes, I've been having some cravings!

Besides those, my main indulgences include: decaf nonfat white mochas with no whip (not because I’m opposed to the luxury of whipped cream, but because I like my coffee hot) usually from Caribou or Starbucks (Please feel free to drop by my home or office with one at any time! I mean ANY time. Coffee isn’t just for mornings.), basic decaf coffees with skim milk or flavored liquid creamer for added gratification (usually just from Casa de Jiovanazzo prepared by yours truly), hot chocolate and caffeine-free Coke (which tastes just like the real thing and is particularly satisfying with Mexican food and pizza). None of which helps with my trips to the bathroom, however. That is just fine; they're worth it.

Drinks, specifically the coffee drinks, become even more of a treat when the people around me are cocktailing. They're definitely tougher to come by though, especially at other people's houses, and not that they shouldn't be. But, when people ask what the preggo wants to drink, I can't really ask them to whip me up a white mocha or throw on a pot of decaf, but indeed, that's what I'd really like. Don't even bother asking for caffeine-free Coke either...anywhere. Don't more dining establishments know that pregnant women are supposed to limit their caffeine intake? Last I checked, there are a lot of people around, thus leading me to believe that a lot of women have had to become pregnant. Where's the love for the bundlewarmers? (OK, princess...but I'm just saying :))
Sure, we all survived with our parents even boozing it up some and puffing on heaters, but these days if you throw down a couple Mountain Dews, my gosh, the guilt practically permeates your soul. Fortunately I'm not a regular caffeine drinker anyway, but come on, could we get a few more choices on the drink list, sans caffeine? Yes, there's Sprite, but why even waste the calories? Why not Squirt? How did Squirt become so underrated? A big kudos to
Manny's for offering me a sparkling cider. I didn't even have to ask! Not only could I have devoured a brownie something or other for days there, but I was
offered a sparkling cider, and I got to drink it out of a champagne glass which I swear made it taste even better. I don't even like steak, but who cares after that treatment? If only I had my very own
barista . Hey, maybe that will be my token gift from the bundlebreeder when I hit trimester three!
Feeling well. Eating well. Drinking well (for the most part). I’d say life is swell! Enough about me...um, until the next time I write about me.